Una canción que nace del recuerdo que nos deja la partida de un ser amado y que su recuerdo nos invade y nos llena de melancolía ya que habrán cosas que no se podrán cambiar como el hecho de que mi padre no pudo escuchar ninguna de mis canciones y nunca podrá escucharlas...
A song that is born from the memory that the departure of a loved one leaves us and that his memory invades us and fills us with melancholy since there will be things that cannot be changed, such as the fact that my father could not listen to any of my songs and You will never be able to hear them...
EDISSONBP: Dj, musical artist, from the city of Florencia-caquetá Colombia. My songs are the product of a passion for the art of sounds and notes that transform emotions, regardless of the genre that the artist takes as a means of expression