Esperando la paz verdadera

Y venimos al mundo con el estrés heredado desde antes de nacer. Y asi seguimos nuestro camino cargados de preocupaciones que al final resultan triviales,. y me nace esta pregunta hecha canción: será que la verdadera paz se encuentra en el ultimo estrés de la vida?
And we come into the world with the stress inherited from before we were born. And so we continue our path burdened with worries that in the end turn out to be trivial, and this question becomes a song: could true peace be found in the last stress of life?


EDISSONBP: Dj, musical artist, from the city of Florencia-caquetá Colombia. My songs are the product of a passion for the art of sounds and notes that transform emotions, regardless of the genre that the artist takes as a means of expression

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