Desperté de un sueño con mi padre Q.E.P.D., y en ese sueño yo le decía papi escuche esta melodía para una canción que quiero hacer y el en el sueño me dice: me gusta mucho hijo y es por tono menor como a mi me gustan las canciones... de ahí nace esta canción que tarareo tan pronto me despierto y empiezo a componerla...
I woke up from a dream with my father R.I.P., and in that dream I told him daddy I heard this melody for a song I want to write and in the dream he told me: I like it a lot son and it is in a minor key how I like songs... from there this song was born that I hum as soon as I wake up and I start to compose it...
EDISSONBP: Dj, musical artist, from the city of Florencia-caquetá Colombia. My songs are the product of a passion for the art of sounds and notes that transform emotions, regardless of the genre that the artist takes as a means of expression