Una canción que nace del cansancio que muchas veces enfrentamos en la vida, pero que nunca debemos perder la fé de que hay un ser supremo que siempre esta ahí para ayudarnos hacerle frente a las adversidades, por eso: Si de la vida a veces sientes cansancio no te preocupes él está a tu lado , si sientes penas y desesperado no desfallezcas que él está a tu lado ….
A song that is born from the tiredness that we often face in life, but we must never lose faith that there is a supreme being who is always there to help us face adversity, that is why: If you sometimes feel tired in life, do not worry, he is by your side, if you feel pain and despair, do not falter, because he is by your side...
EDISSONBP: Dj, musical artist, from the city of Florencia-caquetá Colombia. My songs are the product of a passion for the art of sounds and notes that transform emotions, regardless of the genre that the artist takes as a means of expression