La mente va mucho más rápida que la vida y eso hace que a veces nos sintamos estancados y surge entonces la ansiedad de que lo que anhelamos se nos de en nuestra medida del tiempo, pero debemos entender que el tiempo de Dios es perfecto y las cosas llegan en el momento justo y cuando realmente estamos preparados para asumirlas.
The mind goes much faster than life and that makes us sometimes feel stuck and then the anxiety arises that what we long for will be given to us in our time frame, but we must understand that God's time is perfect and things come at the right time and when we are truly prepared to take them on.
EDISSONBP: Dj, musical artist, from the city of Florencia-caquetá Colombia. My songs are the product of a passion for the art of sounds and notes that transform emotions, regardless of the genre that the artist takes as a means of expression