Profile of MototsuguEndo
MototsuguEndo Biography

Name : LED-M or Led-M,  Mototsugu Endo / 遠藤基嗣
Profile:In the early 90's, as a student, he became interested in "frequency/sound" in his electronic experiments.
This was the starting point for his electronic music.
First he bought a cassette player to listen to music for the first time, and then he bought an analog master keyboard and a used Roland JV-880 synthesizer. He then completely customized those instruments and immersed himself in the creation of music.
After a few months of sending a few songs recorded on cassette demo tapes to FORM@ RECORDS, the result was that he embarked on his own path of music.
*199x-2000, 2017-present.

名義:LED-M or Led-M,  Mototsugu Endo / 遠藤基嗣
まず音楽を知らない彼は初めて音楽を聴くためにカセットプレーヤーを購入し、アナログマスターキーボードとRoland JV-880というシンセサイザーを中古購入した。そしてそれらの楽器を完全にカスタマイズして音楽の制作に没頭しました。
その後カセットのデモテープに録音された数曲の楽曲をFORM@ RECORDSに送った数ヶ月後の結果、彼は音楽という道に踏み入ったのです。

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